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Assistant VP for Information Technology

 Dr. Zainab AlBader

  • 1-Information Technology Center

    One of the most important roles for the Center of Information systems is implementing administrative, financial systems along with the student information system. The center is not responsible only for developing, but also maintaining the systems. Moreover, the center is maintaining the infrastructure, networks and security of Kuwait University.


      Anwar AlMosawi  Website

  • 2-Technical Support Center

    The Technical Support Department is specialized in providing integrated services to meet the needs and support of beneficiaries related to information technology to achieve optimal use of information technology in the administrative and academic fields and to improve the educational process at the university.


      Sundos Ashkanani  Website

  • 3-E-Learning Center

    The E-Learning Center targets all students, faculty, and staff to provide state of the art technologies in the educational area


      Eetemad Alkandary  Website

  • 4-AlKhawarizmi Computer Training Center

    Al-Khwarizmi Training Center is considered the most important training center specializing in courses and professional exams in the State of Kuwait. It is at the forefront of centers that are concerned with qualifying specialists in the field of information technology.


    Maha AlQadomi   Website

Assistant VP for Libraries and Continuing Education

Dr. Hamed Alfraih

  • 1-University Bookstore

    One of the most important roles for the Center of Information systems is implementing administrative, financial systems along with the student information system. The center is not responsible only for developing, but also maintaining the systems. Moreover, the center is maintaining the infrastructure, networks and security of Kuwait University.


    Fajer Al Mejbel  Website

  • 2-University Library

    the library administration at Kuwait University is the administrative and technical body responsible for overseeing all university library affairs.


      Dr. Sayed Hamza  Website

  • 3-Community Services and Continuing Education

    Develop scientific and knowledge capabilities and provide what aligns with the needs of the training job market. Additionally, we work on enhancing and developing creativity, skills, and abilities and investing them to contribute to achieving sustainable development, while adhering to the values of cooperation, innovation, teamwork, leadership, and protocol cooperation with various academic entities to offer distinguished programs

    Director  Website